How to get one of our puppies



We are registered breeders with Dogs Victoria and our membership number is 3100062536. Our Pet Exchange Register source number is RB153626.

Our puppies are sold on the limited register and are available for dog sports and as loving family pets. Our dogs are not available for showing or breeding. As such, they are required to be desexed by six months of age.

Our puppies will never develop any genetic condition for which there is available genetic testing, such as CL, CEA, or TNS.

Our puppies are raised in our home with every care and attention and we want on the very best of homes for them. We are happy to take enquiries for puppies at any stage but generally we will prefer to leave final decisions for puppies' homes until they are six to eight weeks of age to ensure that your new puppy fits your lifestyle and future plans as well as possible.


Our puppies will come to you with a 'puppy pack' which will contain nutrition information and importantly, information regarding feeding over the first few days if you choose to transition them to a different diet. We will provide enough of the food they are used to, to cover the first few days in your care, or the transition period.

Our puppy pack will include information about your puppy's final booster vaccination, desexing and how to register your pup with your local Council after you have desexed them.

Our puppy pack will include your pup's Dogs Victoria registration. It will also include your pup's parents' Dogs Victoria registration and certificates of hip & elbow scoring and genetic testing indicating their genetic status.

To allow us to get to know you and to help you decide if one of our pups might suit you, we ask that you contact us. Initially we will ask you to complete and return a questionnaire. If we are satisfied you will provide a loving home for our pup, we will confirm we are prepared to place a pup with you.

If you decide that you would like one of our pups, we will ask for a deposit of $200 to hold a pup for you. This deposit is only refundable if the pup you have chosen is found to have a health issue at their six week check up. 

The total purchase price is $2,000. The balance of $1,800 is due seven days prior to the day you collect your pup, or seven days prior to our transporting the pup to you. Our pups will be available for collection from eight weeks, and we prefer to transport pups interstate once they are ten weeks old if by air travel.